
Sunshine IP General Manager Attended The Belt and Road Initiatives Protection of Intellectual Property & Traditional Medicine International Symposium

May 31, 2018

On October 29th, 2017 The Belt and Road Initiatives Protection of Intellectual Property & Traditional Medicine

International Symposium was held in Xi’An China. Mr. Jiangang Zhang, General Manager of Sunshine IP was invited to attend and given out a special report on“India Intellectual Property Environmental Aspect”.

Back in 2011, Sunshine IP was entrusted by SIPO to performed and

completed a research on “India Intellectual Property Environmental Aspect”. And also completed an updated the same report twice

in 2014 and 2016. Through the report, we were trying to provide the public with a time-sensitive and practical guidance on practical matters, which able to giving a reference on intellectual property protection, avoiding intellectual property risks and countermeasures against intellectual property litigation.

Noted: link for the complete “India Intellectual Property Environmental Aspect Report”

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